An Inspirational Poem by Dr. Stacy Thomas

An Inspirational Poem by Dr. Stacy Thomas

I’m attending a 3 day conference and I’m learning all about creating a community and I’m incredibly inspired to launch my program in 2021!

@drstacytoronto was one of the amazing speakers on the roster and she shared this beautiful poem that she wrote at the end of her session and it just spoke to me

I absolutely adore this poem and I hope that it resonates as much with you as it did with me. I think that it applies in SO many areas of my life and my patients’ lives!

Enjoy and I’d love to hear what you think about it.


We are all stars

Who fell from the heavens,

Shining so bright.

Who at some point decided

To dim the light.

To get along, to fit in,

We let the darkness of doubt win.

Then spend a lifetime


For the light

That is our birthright

So we can return home

Dr. Stacy Thomas


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