Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Do you know if you’re getting enough vitamin D?

Our bodies make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight BUT the winter months in Canada can be a tricky time to get enough sunlight on our skin. Studies consistently show that vitamin D deficiency is extremely common. And, low vitamin D levels are associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, depression and developing more serious consequences from infections.

So, where can we get vitamin D if we aren’t making enough naturally?

Many people think milk is a good source of vitamin D. Milk doesn’t actually contain much vitamin D on its own but many brands add vitamin D during processing.

If you don’t drink milk or are just looking for more vitamin-D rich foods,

here are 6 other good sources of vitamin D:

☀️ Beef Liver

☀️ Fortified Tofu

☀️ Fish such as ahi tuna, salmon & trout

☀️ Egg Yolks ☀️ Oysters

☀️ Mushrooms (when exposed to sunlight)


The only way to know if you’re getting enough vitamin D is to have your blood levels tested.

Some people metabolise vitamin D differently and need to consume higher amounts to maintain optimal levels in the body. If you’re curious about your vitamin D levels and how to bring them up to optimal levels, please send me a message to schedule an appointment.


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