Have you ever thought about what you're putting ON your skin?
The Top 3 Chemicals that are Endocrine Disruptors are:
1️⃣. Phthalates
These chemicals are used in personal care products to carry fragrances.
They're found in deodorants, hair gel, hair spray, lotions, lubricants,...
Did you know that both sperm and egg development and maturation takes about 3 months?
Did you know that a follicle is called on to go through its final stage of development about 3 months before ovulation? During this time,...
Well, this is definitely a whole new world that we're living in right now, isn't it. How are you coping?
These uncertain times have been particularly difficult for my fertility patients who have had their fertility plans completely thrown out...
It turns out that I "lied" in my previous blog post about my maternity leave dates. Our little potato had other plans when it came to his birthday and instead of the end of April, he thought that the...
Trigger warning
I wanted to share some news with all of you. Our FET (frozen embryo transfer) was successful and I'm pregnant!
I've been very open and transparent about my fertility journey with family, friends and patients for several reasons:
I firmly...
We finally made the decision to move forward with our FET (frozen embryo transfer). Apparently it was just meant to be because exactly 1 year ago, I landed in the hospital due to complications from my IUI. However, it...
Laparoscopic Surgery
I had my laparoscopic surgery a couple of days ago and I'm doing great! I'm a little bit sore but otherwise I'm itching to get back to work. However, I promised my surgeon and my family that I...
Estrogen is a hormone that is one of the key players in women's reproductive systems. It's produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands and fat tissues.
Types of Estrogen
E1 (Estrone)
This is a weak form of estrogen that can't be converted into...
I wrote an entire blog post about my crazy IUI story last year and I wanted to give you an update.
It took me a few months to fully feel back to "normal" after my IUI adventure and I decided...
Thank you for all of you who have dropped by, called, emailed or messaged me to check in with me and ask how I'm doing. I'm doing well and definitely on my way to a full recovery! I'm excited...